C_KDHELP64 | |
CBtk::_NoSignal | A type to tell the async don't emit the signal in main thread |
C_tagADDRESS64 | |
CBtk::Impl::AsyncGuard< HasSiganlArg, T > | A RAII class for impl Invoker |
CBtk::Impl::AsyncGuard< false, T > | The specialization of no signal arg |
CBtk::Impl::AsyncGuard< true, T > | |
CBtk::Impl::AsyncResultHolder< RetT > | |
CBtk::Impl::AsyncResultHolder< RetT & > | |
CBtk::Impl::AsyncResultHolder< RetT &> | |
►CBtk::Impl::AsyncResultHolder< std::invoke_result_t< Callable, Args... > > | |
►CBtk::Impl::AsyncBase< HasSignal, Callable, Args... > | |
CBtk::Impl::AsyncInvoker< HasSignal, Callable, Args > | The AsyncInvoker |
CBtk::Impl::AsyncBase< HasSignal, Callable, Args > | The async base,It store the return value and the signal |
CBtk::Impl::AsyncResultHolder< void > | |
CBtk::Impl::AsyncScopePtr< T > | |
CBtk::Impl::AsyncSignal< has_signal, RetT > | |
CBtk::Impl::AsyncSignal< false, RetT > | |
►CBtk::Impl::AsyncSignal< HasSignal, std::invoke_result_t< Callable, Args... > > | |
CBtk::Impl::AsyncBase< HasSignal, Callable, Args... > | |
CBtk::Impl::AsyncBase< HasSignal, Callable, Args > | The async base,It store the return value and the signal |
CBtk::Impl::AsyncSignal< true, RetT > | |
CBtk::Impl::AsyncSignal< true, void > | |
CBtk::AsyncTask< HasSignal, Callable, Args > | The AsyncTask |
CBtk::Atomic | |
CBtkTable | Renderer Interface Table |
CBtk::Mixer::Channal | |
CBtk::Mixer::Chunk | |
CBtk::Win32::ComInstance< T > | A Helper class to manager com |
CBtk::Win32::ComMemPtr< T > | A pointer to free memory from com |
CBtk::Connection | |
►CBtk::Container | A Container of Widget |
CBtk::DockWidget | |
CBtk::GroupBox | |
►CBtk::Layout | |
►CBtk::BoxLayout | |
CBtk::HBoxLayout | |
CBtk::VBoxLayout | |
CBtk::GridLayout | |
CBtk::CountedBackInserter< T > | A helper class for count the length we inserted |
CBtk::Cursor | Mouse's cursor |
CBtk::Impl::AsyncResultHolder< RetT >::Data | |
CBtk::Impl::AsyncResultHolder< RetT >::Data | |
CBtk::DrawCallback | The Internal Window Draw Callback |
►CBtk::Event | A base event of all events |
CBtk::DragEvent | A event about mouse drag |
CBtk::KeyEvent | A event about keyboard |
CBtk::MotionEvent | A event about mouse motion |
CBtk::MouseEvent | A event about mouse click |
CBtk::ResizeEvent | |
CBtk::SetRectEvent | A event about set Widget rect |
CBtk::TextInputEvent | A Event of text input |
CBtk::WheelEvent | |
CBtk::System::EventHandler | |
►Cexception | |
►Cutf8::exception | |
Cutf8::invalid_code_point | |
Cutf8::invalid_utf16 | |
Cutf8::invalid_utf8 | |
Cutf8::not_enough_room | |
CBtk::ExceptionData | |
CBtk::System::ExitHandler | |
CBtkFt::Face | |
CBtk::Font | Font Class |
CBtk::FontImpl | Font Impl |
CBtk::FontSet | |
CBtk::FPoint | |
CFPSmanager | Structure holding the state and timing information of the framerate controller |
CBtk::FRect | |
CBtk::FSelectBox | A Dialog of file selecting |
CBtk::FSelectBoxImpl | |
CBtk::Function< RetT > | |
CBtk::Function< bool(Btk::Event &)> | |
CBtk::Function< bool(Event &)> | |
CBtk::Function< void(Renderer &)> | |
►CBtk::FunctionBase | |
CBtk::Function< RetT(Args...)> | |
CBtk::Gif | Gif Decoding class |
►CBtk::HasSlots | |
►CBtk::Widget | |
►CBtk::AbstructButton | Basic button |
CBtk::Button | A simple pushbutton |
CBtk::Canvas | |
CBtk::DockWidget | |
CBtk::GroupBox | |
CBtk::ImageView | |
CBtk::Lable | Lable widget |
CBtk::Layout | |
CBtk::Line | |
CBtk::ScrollBar | |
CBtk::TextBox | |
CBtk::Window | A Basic Window |
CStackWalkerInternal::IMAGEHLP_MODULE64_V2 | |
CStackWalkerInternal::IMAGEHLP_MODULE64_V3 | |
CBtk::Texture::Information | Texture's information |
Cini_parse_string_ctx | |
Cutf8::iterator< octet_iterator > | |
Cutf8::unchecked::iterator< octet_iterator > | |
CBtk::FontUtils::LockGuard | |
CBtk::LockGuard< T > | Generic LockGuard |
CBtkFt::LockGuard | A helper class to lock ft library |
CBtk::LockGuard< Texture > | Lock Guard for Texture locking |
►CBtk::Impl::ManagerBase | |
CBtk::Impl::Manager< T, RetT, Args > | |
CBtk::MessageBox | |
CBtk::MessageBoxImpl | |
CBtk::Module | |
CBtk::Mixer::Music | |
CBtk::PixBuf | |
CBtk::PixelFormat | Pixels format |
CBtk::PixFmt | Pixels format detail |
CBtk::PStream | Pipe stream to or from a process |
CBtk::Impl::RefDeleter< T > | A helper class to delete MessageBox impl |
►Cruntime_error | |
CBtk::MixerError | |
►CRuntimeError | |
CBtk::BadFunctionCall | |
CBtk::RendererError | |
CBtk::SDLError | |
CBtk::XError | |
►CBtk::RWops | |
CBtk::MemBuffer | |
CBtk::Impl::ScopeGuard< T > | |
CSDL2_gfxBresenhamIterator | The structure passed to the internal Bresenham iterator |
CSDL2_gfxMurphyIterator | The structure passed to the internal Murphy iterator |
►CSDL_Color | |
CBtk::Color | Color structure |
►CSDL_Point | |
CBtk::Point | |
►CSDL_Rect | |
CBtk::Rect | SDL_Rect with methods |
CBtk::Impl::SDLScopePtr | |
CBtk::Signal< RetT > | |
CBtk::Signal< bool()> | |
CBtk::Signal< bool(Btk::Event &)> | |
CBtk::Signal< void()> | |
CBtk::Signal< void(int new_w, int new_h)> | |
CBtk::Signal< void(RetT &)> | |
CBtk::Signal< void(std::string_view)> | |
►CBtk::SignalBase | |
CBtk::Signal< RetT(Args...)> | Btk Signal |
CBtk::Size | Size of a Widget or Window |
►CBtk::Impl::SlotBase | |
CBtk::Impl::Slot< RetT, Args > | |
►CBtk::Impl::Slot< RetT, Args... > | |
CBtk::Impl::ClassSlot< Class, Method, RetT, Args > | |
CBtk::Impl::SlotDetail< T, RetT, Args > | |
CBtk::SpinLock | |
CStackWalkerInternal | |
CBtk::System | |
CBtk::Task | |
CtColorRGBA | A 32 bit RGBA pixel |
CtColorY | A 8bit Y/palette pixel |
CBtk::TextBoxInserter | |
CBtk::TextBuffer | A container of utf16 encoded string for TextEditer |
CBtk::TextSelection | |
CBtk::Texture | |
CBtk::Theme | |
CBtk::Thread | |
CBtk::Impl::ThreadInvoker< T, Args > | |
CBtk::ThreadPool | |
CBtk::Timer | |
CBtk::TimerBase | The Timer Impl |
CBtk::TimerInvoker | |
►Ctuple | |
CBtk::Impl::AsyncBase< HasSignal, Callable, Args... > | |
CBtk::Impl::AsyncBase< HasSignal, Callable, Args > | The async base,It store the return value and the signal |
CBtk::Impl::Invoker< Callable, Args > | |
CBtk::Impl::TimerInvoker< Callable, Args > | |
CBtk::WidgetAttr | |
CBtk::WindowImpl | |
CBtk::Worker | |
CBtk::X11::XContext | Current Context for SDL_Window |