Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CBtk::_NoSignalA type to tell the async don't emit the signal in main thread
 CBtk::Impl::AsyncGuard< HasSiganlArg, T >A RAII class for impl Invoker
 CBtk::Impl::AsyncGuard< false, T >The specialization of no signal arg
 CBtk::Impl::AsyncGuard< true, T >
 CBtk::Impl::AsyncResultHolder< RetT >
 CBtk::Impl::AsyncResultHolder< RetT & >
 CBtk::Impl::AsyncResultHolder< RetT &>
 CBtk::Impl::AsyncResultHolder< std::invoke_result_t< Callable, Args... > >
 CBtk::Impl::AsyncResultHolder< void >
 CBtk::Impl::AsyncScopePtr< T >
 CBtk::Impl::AsyncSignal< has_signal, RetT >
 CBtk::Impl::AsyncSignal< false, RetT >
 CBtk::Impl::AsyncSignal< HasSignal, std::invoke_result_t< Callable, Args... > >
 CBtk::Impl::AsyncSignal< true, RetT >
 CBtk::Impl::AsyncSignal< true, void >
 CBtk::AsyncTask< HasSignal, Callable, Args >The AsyncTask
 CBtkTableRenderer Interface Table
 CBtk::Win32::ComInstance< T >A Helper class to manager com
 CBtk::Win32::ComMemPtr< T >A pointer to free memory from com
 CBtk::ContainerA Container of Widget
 CBtk::CountedBackInserter< T >A helper class for count the length we inserted
 CBtk::CursorMouse's cursor
 CBtk::Impl::AsyncResultHolder< RetT >::Data
 CBtk::Impl::AsyncResultHolder< RetT >::Data
 CBtk::DrawCallbackThe Internal Window Draw Callback
 CBtk::EventA base event of all events
 CBtk::FontFont Class
 CBtk::FontImplFont Impl
 CFPSmanagerStructure holding the state and timing information of the framerate controller
 CBtk::FSelectBoxA Dialog of file selecting
 CBtk::Function< RetT >
 CBtk::Function< bool(Btk::Event &)>
 CBtk::Function< bool(Event &)>
 CBtk::Function< void(Renderer &)>
 CBtk::GifGif Decoding class
 CBtk::Texture::InformationTexture's information
 Cutf8::iterator< octet_iterator >
 Cutf8::unchecked::iterator< octet_iterator >
 CBtk::LockGuard< T >Generic LockGuard
 CBtkFt::LockGuardA helper class to lock ft library
 CBtk::LockGuard< Texture >Lock Guard for Texture locking
 CBtk::PixelFormatPixels format
 CBtk::PixFmtPixels format detail
 CBtk::PStreamPipe stream to or from a process
 CBtk::Impl::RefDeleter< T >A helper class to delete MessageBox impl
 CBtk::Impl::ScopeGuard< T >
 CSDL2_gfxBresenhamIteratorThe structure passed to the internal Bresenham iterator
 CSDL2_gfxMurphyIteratorThe structure passed to the internal Murphy iterator
 CBtk::Signal< RetT >
 CBtk::Signal< bool()>
 CBtk::Signal< bool(Btk::Event &)>
 CBtk::Signal< void()>
 CBtk::Signal< void(int new_w, int new_h)>
 CBtk::Signal< void(RetT &)>
 CBtk::Signal< void(std::string_view)>
 CBtk::SizeSize of a Widget or Window
 CtColorRGBAA 32 bit RGBA pixel
 CtColorYA 8bit Y/palette pixel
 CBtk::TextBufferA container of utf16 encoded string for TextEditer
 CBtk::Impl::ThreadInvoker< T, Args >
 CBtk::TimerBaseThe Timer Impl
 CBtk::X11::XContextCurrent Context for SDL_Window