Btk::System Struct Reference
Collaboration diagram for Btk::System:


struct  EventHandler
struct  ExitHandler

Public Member Functions

void run ()
void register_window (WindowImpl *impl)
void unregister_window (WindowImpl *impl)
void on_dropev (const SDL_Event &event)
void on_windowev (const SDL_Event &event)
void on_keyboardev (const SDL_Event &event)
void on_mousewheel (const SDL_Event &event)
void on_mousemotion (const SDL_Event &event)
void on_mousebutton (const SDL_Event &event)
void on_textinput (const SDL_Event &event)
void defer_call (void(*fn)(void *), void *data=nullptr)
WindowImplget_window (Uint32 winid)
WindowImplget_window_s (Uint32 winid)
void atexit (void(*fn)(void *), void *data)
void atexit (void(*fn)())
void regiser_eventcb (Uint32 evid, EventHandler::FnPtr ptr, void *data)

Static Public Member Functions

static int Init ()
static void Quit ()

Public Attributes

std::unordered_map< Uint32, WindowImpl * > wins_map
std::unordered_map< Uint32, EventHandlerevcbs_map
std::recursive_mutex map_mtx
Uint32 defer_call_ev_id
Uint32 dispatch_ev_id
bool(* handle_exception )(std::exception *) = nullptr
std::list< ExitHandleratexit_handlers
std::list< Modulemodules_list

Static Public Attributes

static Systeminstance = nullptr
static bool is_running = false

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: